Google Ads Now Offers Diagnostic Insights

Google is now notifying marketers of diagnostic problems that may be hurting campaign success.

Google Ads is adding a new data set to the Insights page that will highlight any errors discovered during diagnostic inspections.

Diagnostic insights can assist you in identifying issues that are preventing campaigns from appearing, creating poor engagement, making conversions difficult to quantify, and more.

This information is available on the Insights and Overview tab for Performance Max campaigns, helping you to address problems as soon as they arise.

Google Ads will provide you a complete overview of the following information:

  • Account standing
  • Payment status
  • Policy evaluation
  • Tracking conversions
  • Budget for the campaign
  • Bid strategy goal
  • Campaign standing
  • ad effectiveness

Tailored advice will take the guesswork out of resolving the problems discovered by Google, allowing you to get your campaign back up and running in no time.

Diagnostic insights in Google Ads were showcased in May with the statement that they will be available shortly. The rollout is now underway, two months later.

Insights into Google Ads Diagnostics

Diagnostic insights are only shown when a campaign has gotten no traffic or conversions.

There will be no diagnostic problems to report if your campaign is operating and people are viewing and clicking on the advertisements.

Keep in mind that the Insights page is still in testing, so not everyone has access to it.

Because Google is progressively spreading out each insight type to randomly selected users, you may see the Insights page with limited data.

Diagnostic information are now available for Performance Max programs. Over the following several months, the new dataset will be expanded to include more campaign kinds.

Google Ads Can Assist
